Friday, April 11, 2008

Peace Within or Peace Without!!

As I wait for something to change
My life just meanders through the plains
As a river that will finally merge into the sea
I ll let go of all the worldly chains

What's that next big thing in store for me
I want to know now because it's killing me
I wonder if it would change my life
I wonder if it would set me free

I went everywhere in the search for peace
I did everything that I could possibly do
To get to that heavenly place where serenity abounds
To get to the place where the mind has no bounds

Is everything just Black or White
Or are they merely different shades of grey
Is everything in this world just good or bad
When we are happy, why is everyone else sad?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Desparate Times

There are times when everything seems to be happening against you. When there seems to be a conspiracy of the stellar level against you. When, even God seems to be giving it back to you. This is about those times. This is about the desparation that bugs us all.

Desparate times require desparate measures. No one can plan their life way ahead into the future. Rather, one can, but I am a firm beleiver in the fact that it really does not always turn out to be the way you wanted it to. Therefore I always look for small bundles of joy which give me happiness now rather than somewhere down the line in future.

Great things come in small packages. You do not, rather you should not look for massive occasions and moments to make you happy. Live the moment that you are in and enjoy what life has to offer to you. That said, it does not mean that one starts looking for instant gratification in everything around oneself. In other words, you do not search for happiness, you do not run after it, you do not chase it. All you have to do is to let it come to you as and when fate has decided it to.

But then that's not what drives you crazy. That's not what desparation is. That's absolutely not what this post is all about. It's about times when things just start going wrong left, right and center. When you encounter failures one after the another because of something that you could never have controlled. When you do not succeed even you know that you have given it your best shot. When defeat stands as tall as a mountain and you just cant get over it.

Desparation drives one crazy. It forces you to think about your problems when there aren't any. It also forces you to think about the solutions to those problems where there aren't any. All that this does is to move you farther away from the truth. All logic seems to take a back seat. Everyone seems to be your enemy.

The whole point then, is that how do you get out of this black hole that you've gotten yourself into. It happens because you have just experienced that huge burst of happiness in your life and while you were busy with the celebrations, somewhere in the middle you just stopped living your life.

Living life is not just about being ecstatic and being happy. What you are is because of the good times that you have seen and also beacause of the bad times that you have been through. You will be fine as long as you walk the middle path of joy and sorrow coming at you in succession. The moment you swing to either side of the balance, you are in trouble.

When you are high on life and every thing seems to be going good, what you should do is to take a little amount of time and reflect on the tough times that you just faced. Similarly, when the going gets tough, you should take time off and think about the wonderful times that you had just experienced.

Never forget that life will always have it's ups and downs. It's your inertia that defines how quickly your mood changes. I have seen many kinds of people in my life till now. There are those with a heavy baggage who are either very happy or very grumpy. Then there are those who live in the moment and change moods in a flash.

There is no one solution to anyone's problems. Just that when you have people around you to support you and given the proper environment, things do turn around sooner rather than later.

So the next time you are desparate in life, remember that you yourself are to blame because somewhere down the line you had forgotten the good times that you lived and you were too high to get over it. Now life literally seems to be giving it back to you. That said, this is not a point to get depressed in life. Rather it's time for you to stand up and be counted.

Always remember that there is someone watching you all the the time. "Dukh main simran sab kare, sukh main kare na koi. Jab sukh main simran kare toh phir dukh kahe ko hoye" (Everyone remembers God Almighty when they are sad and never once when they are happy. If you had remembered God just once when you were happy, joy would've never left you ever). Happy Living.