Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me...

Birthdays are wonderful. The best part about them is they come once a year and changes your life like no other day. This is one day when you can live in the past, present and future all at the same time. Once in a year you know you should be happy not because you really see anything different that day from all the other days but because all your near and dear one's want to make you feel special that day.

There was a time when birthdays used to be fun. Birthdays meant parties, getting gifts and having a blast for one day when you are the centre point of all the attention. Remember when you cut the cake how good you felt, you just knew that the first piece of cake had to be for your mom, your dad and your siblings. Can you recall just when exactly and more importantly why did that feeling change to one of embarrassment for you?

Celebrating birthdays was not for you anymore. Maybe the priorities in your life had changed. Maybe you didn't want that attention that people give to you on your birthdays. The phone calls from all the friends and relatives started annoying you. Your mindset and attitude changed a lot from when you were a child who had no ideas about the ways of the world. All that you wanted on your birthday was to be left alone, no friends, no parties, no gifts, no nonsense.

Now you'd rather not have your birthdays at all, forget about celebrating them. I called up one of my friends to wish him happy birthday ( I had been confirming the day from a lot of guys, since I am not too good with dates ). To my surprise that guy was sad about the fact that it was his birthday. I hate to say this but his pessimism rubbed off on me too. Instead of talking about how he was celebrating his birthday all we did was crib about the life we are leading and then discuss how we could get out of this shit.

I have been a victim of this too. I know how my friend must have been feeling that day. Its a really terrible feeling to have more so because its your birthday. You have to smile because your friends are smiling and because they want you to be happy, while inside you are hurting and getting irritated by all the attention that you are getting.

I have tried to reason this behavior a lot but could not find any answers. When you live a life where days come and go without you even realizing when the weekend arrives and when it whizzes past you having this one special day can be really tough on people. Maybe that's one justification to the kind of feeling people get on their birthdays.

The best thing to do would definitely be to be happy and keep a gentle smile on your face all the time just for the sake of your friends and family. There are only some days when you get their undivided attention and its always better to cut the hay while the sun shines.

My idea of a perfect birthday celebration would be to spend quality time with my friends or relatives even if I am super busy that day. I just wouldn't want to be alone that day. There would be many other days that you can choose to be sad on. For this one day I would ask all my friends to be happy just for the heck of it and have a good time. To all my friends I would plead not to overdo anything that you do to make your friend feel special.

I dont mind getting gifts though. I really appreciate the feelings behind them ;) .

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I dont know if the world has changed or is it me who has changed or everyone else has changed but nothing seems to be the same anymore. When we are young we are told that friendships last forever. It seemed to be true all this while. Its only now that I feel that all that was farce, a lie that our parents told us just to keep us away from the stark reality and its only now that I feel that friendships do have their expiry date.

I love meeting people and making friends. I have been pretty good at it also. I have so many people whom I can proudly call me friends and some of them have been with me for a really long time. But all of a sudden I feel that I am the only one left with that feeling and all the people whom I considered my friends at some point of time have just moved on. Is it true that friendship doesn't last forever?

I for one never beleived that things change. I am a firm beleiver of that. The only thing that changes is you and the way you see things. The rest of the world continues to be the same. It's said that "Familiarity breeds contempt". I guess that's what is happening to everyone now-a-days.

We see someone, we like them, we become friends with them and spend a lot of time together and then "Kaboom" all of a sudden one day you don't want to be with that person anymore. It's a natural human reaction to loose interest in something once he has got what he wanted. It's true with everything that you want, you'll yearn for a thing only upto the point that you dont get it. Once you have been there and done that, you realize what kind of an idiot you've been all the while.

I don't know why this has to happen but it does happen. It's one of those sad realities of life and no one belie that fact. Though there are some relationships that do last forever. Some relationships just leave an example which others can follow. I had so many friends when I was young, now I hardly even know where each of them are, let alone talk to them.

I guess this is all a byproduct of the fast paced life that we all lead. No one has time for each other. Every one is running a race of their own, if you try and stop someone for a while you will be left behind in the race and so will that person. People come online on messengers but their status remains BUSY, as if they are showing to the world that they do want to talk but they just dont have the time.

I sometimes wonder what has changed. Is it me, is the world or is it everyone else. I know I will never find the answer to this question. Once upon a time I had lots of friends. I still know them, I still remember them. I just hope they remember me too not as an acquaintance but as a friend. This change that I see around me and within me is killing me. I try to forget about it, I try to stop it from bothering me, but it keeps coming back and hits me even harder everytime.

Friends are forever. Friends keep the deepest of secrets and share the saddest of moments. Friends are there when you need them, they are also there when you think you don't need them. Friends never think twice before giving, but never ask you to give anything back in return. Friends never say GOODBYE.

Visit this link for some beautiful lines on friendship (and more...).

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Keep it simple, will ya

There was a time when things were simple. All that you needed to smile was a chocolate from your dad or a nice pudding made for you by your mom. I dont know what has changed. People say things change over a period of time. They say things get complex as you grow old. Sometimes I wonder, if its really the things that change or is it we who change? Do the things get complex or is it just that we stop comprehending the simple pleasures of our life?

Humans have only two natural emotions. That's how God wanted it to be, two simple emotions. We were either supposed to be happy or we were supposed to be sad. There was no room for the highs and the lows. These two simple emotions are best depicted by a baby. It conveys all its feelings just by laughing and crying. Maybe it's the simplicity in that small cute baby that attracts everyone closer to itself.

In the process of growing up I guess we gave up so many things that anything that has still retained it's simplicity amazes us. We wander about restless searching for something all our lives. Something that we are never going to get, but still the search never ends. I guess what we are looking for is peace within rather than peace without.

When you are young, you yearn to grow old. You yearn to get out of the jail that seems your home and roam like a free bird in the world outside the four walls of your living room. Such a shame then that when you finally get what you wanted all your childhood, when you actually get that freedom, what you miss the most is exactly that, your childhood. You die to go back home and sleep like a baby in your king-sized bed, to have that pudding your mom used to make, to help your dad wash the car and to fight with your sibling.

When you are young, you are little bit of everything. You are a scientist, a poet, a singer, an athelete and an artist. I guess growing up is the process of giving up on those things one by one. But there is always that one thing that you always wanted to do but could not. It's because you were not strong enough, because you couldn't stick it out, because when the moment of truth arrived you just ran away from it. I know that it has happened to me, probably this has happened to each and everyone of you out there too.

Simplicity is the essence of excellence. You can do the toughest of jobs if you can just keep things simple. If you can just stick to the basics. Its easier said than done though. Its really easy to loose your way at the crossroads in your life. Its only the few who can really hold their own, who can keep their mind clear, who make it big in their lives.

There was a time when things were simple. When a smile did not cost anything. When the whole world was your backyard. When nothing seemed unattainable. I never beleived that times change. It is we who change. We change each and every moment and every second of our lives and we tend to change everyone else around us too. It's a natural phenomenon and no one can stop it. The only thing that you can do, the only thing that is under your control is to be yourself. After all being yourself is all that you can do.

(P.S. : Do not forget to leave your comments on this)