Sunday, March 29, 2009

Romance Unlimited !!

Its been so long that I 've known you,
Now I wonder, if I really know you.
Its been so long that I 've seen you,
Now I wonder, if I ve really seen you.

When I look at your face,
My eyes just cant see anything but your eyes.
Your stare pierces my flesh like a sword,
Then you ease the pain with your smile.

I imagine a life without you,
Then I realize I am already living one.
I imagine a life with you,
And the whole world just transforms.

Pondering and contemplating is all that I do,
Someday I will be there with you.
By your side, I will be resting,
Heaven wont be far away.

I meet you and my heart starts thumping,
Reminding me of its existence.
Every single time that I see you,
My thoughts are all over the place.

May the dream come true, my sweet Lord,
Wish that I see you soon.
That one day we could be together,
Just staring at the big white moon.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Love of the Evil !!

Optimists say that one should be glad when the worst has happened, since things can only get better from there on. Well, what do the optimists know !!

There are points in everyone's lifetime when they are so down and low that you feel that it just cannot get worse. Then suddenly the abyss that you are in, decides to give you another shocker. Deep down in that trench of darkness and gloom you realize how helpless it is to fight your fate. You realize how you are doomed to misery and grief all your life.

As soon as you accept the fact that you are a helpless soul in the middle of a deserted island, things begin to change. It is a sort of revelation that comes as a bolt from the sky. Life never ceases to surprise me. The emotion and the drama that unfolds each and every passing moment is worth every second that you breathe.

What is this life, that we have been graced with, by the God almighty, really meant for? Is it just meant for getting up everyday with a sense of hope, struggling your way the whole day and then coming back to the same dungeon at the end of the day licking your wounds from the battles you fought all day long. Is it a routine that we are supposed to follow or is there some message in all this. Does He want us to break free and wander in search of the ultimate truth, the treasure of absolute happiness.

When you surrender to your destiny, the game that unfolds is quite a marvel. They say that life is lived every moment. Every moment should be cherished and made worth remembering. Satisfaction comes not to those who chase it, but to those who have become oblivious to the fact that it even exists. Human beings were meant to be depressed souls searching for gratification all their lives, not knowing the fact that the sheer pleasure lies in destruction itself.

Sadistic pleasures are a fact of life. It is so simple to be happy but so difficult to be simple. Learning to appreciate the evil in you is the only way out of your misery. The love of the evil is the carnal sin that every living soul in this disconsolate universe is supposed to undertake, for, the demise of the worldly desires is the beginning of the highway to perdition.